Monthly Archives: November, 2014

General Soft Wrists - Play Your Golf Like a Champion

If we were only allowed to offer golfers one piece of advice that would help them to shoot lower scores, it would be thisyou’ll automatically maintain great rhythm. Your touch…

Golf Wellness

In our modern lives, it can be very difficult to maintain perfect posture for long.  Most of us spend a lot of our day sitting – whether at at a…

Golf Anatomy Scapular Articulations - Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology

The shoulder blade (or scapula), is the bone that connects the humerus (upper arm bone) with the clavicle (collar bone). Like their connected bones the scapulae are paired, with…

Golf Anatomy Shoulder Articulations - Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology

You May Also Like… Scapular Articulations. Internal and External Rotation of the Arms in the Golf Swing. Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology, a collection of articles describing…

Golf Wellness

When you adopt the Swing like a Champion system, you should never suffer from golf-related back pain again, but back pain is endemic in the modern world, and almost all…

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