Monthly Archives: July, 2013


This article discusses the reasons why most people struggle with their golf game, and why traditional golf tuition doesn’t work for them. Where Did it All go Wrong? If…

Golf Anatomy The Role of the Lats in the Golf Swing - Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology

The latissimus dorsi is the widest and most powerful muscle of the back. The latissimus dorsi muscle consists of a pair of large, flat, triangular muscle covering the lower back. …

Golf Anatomy The Role of the Triceps in the Golf Swing - Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology

The triceps brachii muscle (triceps) is the large muscle on the back of your upper arm (humorus).  It is the muscle principally responsible for extension of the elbow joint (straightening…

Golf Anatomy Wrist Articulations - Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology

There are two groups of movements in the wrist proper;  movements in the plane of the hand (moving the palm or the back of the hand towards the wrist), and…

Golf Anatomy Proprioception and Kinesthesia - Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology

Proprioception is the sense of the orientation and relative position of neighbouring parts of the body and the strength of effort being employed in movement. It is distinguished from exteroception,…

Golf Anatomy Kinesiology - Human Kinetics

Kinesiology, also known as human kinetics, is the scientific study of human movement, performance, and function. Kinesiology applies the sciences of biomechanics, anatomy, physiology, psychology, and neuroscience.  It addresses physiological,…

Golf Anatomy Abdominal Muscles - Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology

The Rectus Abdominis The External Obliques The Internal Obliques The internal oblique muscles are a pair of deep muscles that are just below the external oblique muscles. The internal…

Golf Anatomy Core Muscles - Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology

The muscles of the core run the length of the trunk and torso. The following list includes the most commonly identified core muscles as well as the lesser known groups:…

Golf Anatomy Kinetic Chain - Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology

In the golf swing, the kinetic chain is the different parts of your body acting as a system of chain links to transfer energy from the ground through to the…

Golf Anatomy Trapezius Muscle - Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology

The trapezius muscle is the large muscle between your neck and your shoulder.  It forms the ‘V’ shape of your neck. The trapezius muscles move the scapulae (shoulder blades), support…