Monthly Archives: April, 2014

Golf Stability

The Leg Overs Exercise is a great way to stretch the muscles of your core, your glutes and hamstrings. This will help you to set up and maintain your spine…

Golf Mobility

The Downward Dog Exercise (known as Adho Mukha Svanasana in yoga) is a great exercise for increasing and maintaining mobility in your shoulders and back while working your abs. The…

Golf Mobility

The Dolphin Plank Exercise (known as Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana in yoga) is a great exercise for increasing and maintaining mobility in your shoulders and back while working your abs.…

Golf Balance

The Leg Cradle Exercise is a great way to improve the mobility around your hip capsules, improving your balance and stabilising your hips, while stretching your glutes and groin. The…

Golf Balance

The Knee Hug Exercise is a great way to stretch your hamstrings, glutes and hip flexors as you improve your balance. The Knee Hug Exercise forms part of the Golf…

Golf Balance

The Inverted Hamstring Stretch Exercise is a great way to lengthen your hamstrings and improve your balance. The Inverted Hamstring Stretch Exercise forms part of the Golf Stability series of…

Golf Stability

The Inchworm (Backwards) Exercise is a great way to stretch your hamstrings while working your shoulders and core. The Inchworm (Backwards) Exercise forms part of the Golf Stability series of…