Inchworm (Backwards) Exercise


The Inchworm (Backwards) Exercise is a great way to stretch your hamstrings while working your shoulders and core.

The Inchworm (Backwards) Exercise forms part of the Golf Stability series of innovative and dynamic exercises that will build stability in your joints and core for better consistency and ball-striking.


Figure 1.  Inchworm (Backwards) Exercise Video.



  • Start by standing tall, in perfect posture, with your feet slightly apart, engage your abdominal muscles to stabilise your spine.
  • Gently exhale and bend forward from your hips.  Try to keep your knees straight but not locked.  Slowly lower your torso towards the floor until you can place your fingers, or the palms of your hands, on the floor in front of your feet.  If your hamstrings are tight, you may need to bend your knees slightly.  Try to keep your spine flat.
  • Slowly begin to walk your feet backwards using your ankles, away from your hands.  Continue walking your feet backwards beyond a push-up position.  Keep your shoulder blades pushed forwards.
  • Keeping your knees straight (but not locked), push your hips up and walk your hands towards your toes.  Maintain a flat spine throughout and continue walking until your hands are close to your feet.
  • Walk your feet back out to repeat.


Use small “ankle steps” to walk out with your feet – don’t use your knees, hips, or quadriceps.

To maximise the benefits of this exercise, and reduce the potential for injury, it is important to monitor the position of your spine throughout.  Focus on keeping your spine flat and avoid any rounding of your lower back.  Taking smaller steps will help you to maintain the correct body position.  Keep your knees straight (but not locked) and your abdominal muscles engaged.  Keep your chin tucked towards your chest so that your head is in line with your spine.

You can make this exercise more challenging by walking your feet further out, but be careful not to put unnecessary stress on your shoulders.

You should feel a stretch through your hamstrings, shoulders, lower back, glutes, and calves.



You can make this exercise more challenging by walking your feet further out, but be careful not to put unnecessary stress on your shoulders.

The Inchworm (Backwards) Exercise is a variation of the Inchworm Exercise.


If you have any questions or comments about this or other articles on Golf Loopy, please send us an email.


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