Knee Tuck on an Exercise Ball (1 Leg)


The Knee Tuck on an Exercise Ball (1 Leg) is a challenging movement that will develop and improve your core stability and balance, while working your your abs, shoulders and hips.

The Knee Tuck on an Exercise Ball (1 Leg) forms part of the Golf Strength and Endurance series of innovative and dynamic exercises that are designed to efficiently increase your stabilising strength – supporting proper body alignment, movement patterns, and energy transfer within the golf swing, and helping to prevent injuries.


This exercise requires an exercise ball, often referred to as a Swiss ball, and also known as a balance ball, fitness ball, gym ball, stability ball, physioball, Swedish ball, therapy ball, or yoga ball.


Figure 1.  Knee Tuck on an Exercise Ball (1 Leg) Video.



  • Start in a push up position with your hands on the floor, one shin on an exercise ball, and the other leg bent under you and held above the ground.
  • In one controlled movement, pull the knee of the leg on the exercise ball to your chest as you extend the other leg behind you.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
  • Switch legs and repeat.


Keep your abdominal muscles engaged, your back flat, and your shoulder blades pushed away throughout the movement.

You should feel it working your abdominal muscles, hip flexors, glutes and shoulders.


If you have any questions or comments about this or other articles on Golf Loopy, please send us an email.


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Introduction to the Swing like a Champion System.

Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology, a collection of articles describing the roles of the muscles involved in the golf swing.


» Train like a Champion home page.

» Swing like a Champion Home Page.

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