Monthly Archives: November, 2013

Golf Anatomy The Role of the Deltoids in the Golf Swing - Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology

The deltoid muscle is the triangular muscle forming the rounded contour of the shoulder, and the outer part of the upper arm, as it passes up and over the shoulder joint.…

Golf Anatomy The Role of the Teres Major in the Golf Swing - Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology

The Role of the Teres Major in the Golf Swing The teres major plays an important role in moving the right arm correctly during the downswing, and thus efficiently transferring…

Golf Anatomy The Role of the Teres Minor in the Golf Swing - Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology

The Role of the Teres Minor in the Golf Swing As part of the rotator cuff, the teres minor helps to stabilise the shoulder during the golf swing, enabling efficient…

Golf Anatomy The Role of the Piriformis in the Golf Swing - Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology

The piriformis muscle is a very strong hip muscle, one of the core muscles of the body. The piriformis is a flat, pear-shaped muscle that is located beneath the gluteal…

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