Neck Trigger Point Exercise


The Neck Trigger Point Exercise is a great way to massage a stiff neck.

The Neck Trigger Point Exercise forms part of the Golf Recovery & Regeneration series of innovative and dynamic exercises that will help to improve the health and quality of your muscle tissues and joints, helping you to perform better on and off the golf course.



This exercise requires a tennis ball.


Figure 1.  Neck Trigger Point Exercise Video.



  • Start by lying in a supine position (on your back, face up), with a tennis ball under your neck.
  • Adjust your position on the ball until you find a tender spot (trigger point) on your neck.
  • Hold on that point, placing as much weight on the ball as you can, until you feel your muscles relax.
  • Repeat until you can’t find any more tender spots.


You may need to hold on a trigger point for 60 to 90 seconds before it releases.

You should feel you are getting a deep neck massage.  It may feel uncomfortable, like a sports massage, which indicates that your muscles need it.


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