Side Plank with Hip Adduction Exercise


The Side Plank with Hip Adduction Exercise will build strength and stability in the adductor muscles of your hip, and in your core, enabling a powerful and efficient weight shift during the transition, and building the foundation of stable and efficient movement in the golf swing.

The Side Plank with Hip Adduction Exercise forms part of the Golf Stability series of innovative and dynamic exercises that will build stability in your joints and core for better consistency and ball-striking.


Figure 1.  Side Plank with Hip Adduction Exercise Video.



  • Start by lying on your right side with your left leg straight and your right knee bent at 90 degrees.  Bend your right elbow and place it directly under your shoulder.
  • Exhale as you slowly lift your hips and right leg off the floor, supporting your weight on only your right forearm and the side of your left foot, and forming a straight line through your head, torso and left leg.
  • Continue to breathe, keeping your abs strong while you maintain this position for the desired amount of time.
  • Gently return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.


As you hold the plank, avoid rolling your pelvis backwards or bending at the waist.

Keep your head aligned with your spine and your right elbow positioned directly under your shoulder.

Keep your torso solid and your abdominal muscles engaged throughout this movement.

You should feel it working your hip adductors and your obliques.



If you find this exercise too challenging to begin with, try working on the basic Side Plank Exercise first.

There are a number of other variations on the classic plank exercise in the Golf Loopy Train like a Champion System, which you can view by clicking here.


How Will It Benefit Your Golf Swing?

One of the main problems that amateur golfers have is not being able to drive hard onto their target side during the downswing.  They also lack sufficient hip rotation, and the ability to stabilise the pelvis at impact, without sliding towards the target.  This move requires a tremendous amount of strength in the hip and pelvic stabilisers.

The Side Plank with Hip Adduction Exercise will develop strength throughout your entire pelvic region, giving you more stability and control on the golf course.

This exercise not only gives you the strength and stability in your pelvis and lower back that you need for a more consistent and powerful golf swing, but it also prepares you for playing from more difficult lies – helping you to remain stable when you need to swing on sloping ground or from deep rough.

For more information, see The Role of the Hip Adductors in the Golf Swing.


Target Muscles

This exercise mainly involves your hip adductors, internal obliques, and external obliques, and to a lesser extent your serratus anterior and rotator cuff.


If you have any questions or comments about this or other articles on Golf Loopy, please send us an email.


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The Role of the Hip Adductors in the Golf Swing.

Introduction to the Swing like a Champion System.

Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology, a collection of articles describing the roles of the muscles involved in the golf swing.


» Train like a Champion home page.

» Swing like a Champion Home Page.

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