Standing Body Rotation Exercise


The Standing Body Rotation Exercise is a great way to warm up your entire body before you play golf, hit the practice range, or undertake other physical exercise.

The Standing Body Rotation Exercise forms part of the Golf Movement Preparation series of innovative and dynamic exercises that will increase your core temperature, prepare your nervous system for performing the golf swing, and strengthen your body.

The Standing Body Rotation Exercise is a component of the Golf Loopy Perfect Warm Up, an exercise routine that has been scientifically designed to prepare your mind and body for playing golf to the best of your ability in just 7 minutes.


Figure 1.  Standing Body Rotation Exercise Video.



  • Start by standing tall with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, your knees slightly bent, and arms raised out at your sides at shoulder level.
  • Rotate your torso about 90 degrees to your right, pivoting on your right foot.  Swing your right arm out straight behind you, and your left arm around your body.
  • Let your hips turn, your right knee bend about 90 degrees and your left knee dip close to the ground.  Keep your right knee over your right foot, your chest up and your back straight.
  • Swing back to the start position and then immediately repeat to your left.


You should feel a stretch through your hips and torso.

Perform this exercise for 30 seconds as part of the Golf Loopy Perfect Warm Up routine.

You will feel like you’re having a mini-workout, raising your body temperature and breaking into a light sweat.  If you’re not familiar with a dynamic warm up before you play golf, this may feel a little strenuous at first.  Stick with it, your body will quickly condition itself to these exercises, and the benefits to your play will be significant.  When you’re done, you will feel warmed up, rather than worn down.  You’ll be better prepared to perform at your best, whether on the course or on the practice range.



If you have any questions or comments about this or other articles on Golf Loopy, please send us an email.


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The Golf Loopy Perfect Warm Up, an exercise routine that has been scientifically designed to prepare your mind and body for playing golf to the best of your ability in just 7 minutes.

Introduction to the Swing like a Champion System.

Golf Anatomy and Kinesiology, a collection of articles describing the roles of the muscles involved in the golf swing.


» Train like a Champion home page.

» Swing like a Champion Home Page.

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